March 26, 2025

Orientation Program on Emerging Trends - 4th January, 2020
Student and faculty attaining training

Orientation Program on Emerging Trends - 4th January, 2020
MSBTE trainer giving guidance about Digital Forensic

Name of Speaker:

Case Study Based Teaching Learning Process & Performance Based Assessment
15th February, 2020
MSBTE trainer giving idea about Case Study Based Teaching Learning Process

Case Study Based Teaching Learning Process & Performance Based Assessment
15th February, 2020
Faculty attaining training

Name of Speaker:

FDP on I Scheme Orientation on Program for Faculty - 6th July, 2019

FDP on I Scheme Orientation on Program for Faculty - 6th July, 2019

Name of Speaker:
Mr. Akole K. P., Mrs. Vidya S. Lunge

In Pursuit of Quality Technical Education

In Pursuit of Quality Technical Education

In Pursuit of Quality Technical Education

In Pursuit of Quality Technical Education

Name of Invitee:
Dr. R. C. Prasad

One Day Workshop on Advanced Surveying

One Day Workshop on Advanced Surveying

Name of Invitee:

One Day Workshop on Non-destructive Testing
Expert with institute chairman

One Day Workshop on Non-destructive Testing
Prof. R. C. Prasad introducing experts

One Day Workshop on Non-destructive Testing
Experts introducing NDT devices

One Day Workshop on Non-destructive Testing
Mr. Amar Mange testing NDT devices

One Day Workshop on Non-destructive Testing
Expert with students

Name of Invitee:
Mr. Toney Lau and Edward Ma

Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights

Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights

Name of Invitee:
Mr. Arjun Satish Deshmukh

Session on Teaching Learning Methodologies - 21st July, 2018

Session on Teaching Learning Methodologies - 21st July, 2018

Session on Teaching Learning Methodologies - 21st July, 2018

Name of Invitee:

Workshop on Revised Blooms Taxonomy - 31st August, 2018

Workshop on Revised Blooms Taxonomy - 31st August, 2018

Workshop on Revised Blooms Taxonomy - 31st August, 2018

Name of Invitee: