February 8, 2025

First Year Diploma in Engineering

  • The Candidate should be an Indian National
  • Candidates passing Std. VIII, IX and SSC from a recognized institution in Maharashtra State or Equivalent Examination. Subject Maths & Science

Direct Second Year Diploma in Engineering

  • The Candidate should be Indian National
  • Candidate Passing HSC Science or HSC Science with Technical or HSC Science with Vocational Examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or SSC with 2 Years ITI with appropriate specialization from a recognized institution in Maharashtra State
Choice CodeCourse Name
328319110Civil Engineering
328324510Computer Engineering
328324610Information Technology Engineering
328337210Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
328361210Mechanical Engineering
  • Hostel Facility available for Boys & Girls separately
  • Bus Facility available from Alibag, Poynad / Pezari, Pen, Uran, Karjat, Khopoli, Kamothe, Kalamboli, Kharghar & Panvel.
  • For more information please visit www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in.
  1. SSC / HSC Mark Sheet
  2. Leaving Certificate
  3. GAP Certificate if any GAP in Admission year
  4. If the Nationality of a student is not mentioned in the Leaving certificate, a separate Nationality Certificate
  5. Domicile Certificate is necessary for all candidate of Maharashtra State
  6. Birth Certificate if Birth place is not mentioned in Leaving Certificate
  7. If Candidate is eligible for Reserved Category his / her Caste Certificate, Income Certificate, Non-Creamy layer, Caste Validity Certificate as per relevant order of Govt. Maharashtra
  8. Mark sheet of 8 and 9 / Performa Z
  9. Equivalence Certificate from MSBSHSE if passed out from outside of Maharashtra
  10. Migration Certificate is compulsory for outside of Maharashtra State candidates
  11. Two sets of Xerox copies of above documents
  12. Two passport size photos

Note: Application or any of the certificate received after due date will not be considered.

a) Open Category Candidates:

  1. Tuition Fee – As decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee
  2. Development Fee – As decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee
  3. Other Fees – As decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee

b) For SC/ST/VJ/DT/NT-A/NT-B/NT-C/ NT-D/ SBC Category Candidates

  1. Tuition Fee – Nil
  2. Development Fee – As decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee
  3. Other Fees – As decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee

c) For OBC Category Candidates

  1. Tuition Fee – 50% of fees decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee
  2. Development Fee – 50% of fees decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee
  3. Other Fees – 50% of fees decided by Shikshan Shulka Samitee

d) For NRI/PIO/Foreign Nationals / Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries candidates

  1. Tuition Fee –
    a) US $ 2000 per year for the students of SAARC countries excluding Bangladesh and Pakistan.
    b) US $ 3000 per year for Others
  2. Other Fees – US $ 2000 per year

Candidate admitted in any Government / Aided / Unaided institution and passing the first year, may be transferred to another Government / Aided / Unaided institute in next year in the same course or another course, if eligible, subject to vacancy and merit. In this case, the Principal is authorized to admit such candidates aspiring for such a change, as per the approved procedure. The priority for such admission shall be in the following order.

  1. The candidate from the same institution, aspiring for the change
  2. The candidates from the other institute, aspiring for transfer in their original discipline
  3. The candidate from other institute, aspiring for transfer by change of the discipline
  4. The rule of transfer shall not be applicable to the candidate in unaided institute for transfer to Government / Aided institute
  5. The transfer of candidate among the unaided institution is applicable, if both the institutes agree in writing, for the respective transfer and the transfer shall be permitted, subject to approval of the Director of Technical Education
  6. In exceptional cases and on humanitarian grounds of closure of the course by Government order, the Government may permit the unaided institute to transfer such candidates to other unaided institution
  1. The students are required to be polite to the faculty, staff members & to each other.
  2. Student should maintain high standard of cleanliness in the campus.
  3. Students are not allowed to use radios, transistors, tape recorders or mobile phone in the campus and the institute is not responsible for any loss of the above mentioned property.
  4. Serve penalty will be imposed if the students are found mishandling the furniture or equipment or causing damage to the building or property of the institute.
  5. Any student who has committed an act of serious indiscipline or misbehavior, including ragging of the junior students, may be expelled permanently or removed from the rolls by the head of the institute.
  6. All the students are required to wear their Identity Cards in the college campus. A fine will be charged for not following the rule. A duplicate Identity card will be made available on payment.
  1. Full attendance for theory and practical classes are compulsory. In case of unavoidable circumstances some relaxation may be considered if the student is granted concession by the Principal.
  2. If the student is absent on a particular working day / theory class / laboratory / Workshop, the student will have to submit a leave letter written by the guardian.
  3. If the leave is taken due to sickness, the medical certificate should be submitted.
  4. If the student fails to maintain minimum attendance as mentioned by the Board, he / she may be detained from the course.
  5. If a student is absent for any, theory (PT) or practical term (PST) exam, no chance will be given for reappearing in the exam.
  6. If a student is absent for a practical or workshop, the marks calculated for that Practical / workshop will not be awarded to the student.
Group No.Qualifying Examination /
Eligible for admission to Diploma Programme
AHSC Science
H.S.C. (PCM)

  1. Civil Engg. Group

  2. Electrical Engg. Group

  3. Electronics and Tele-communication Group

  4. Mechanical Engg. Group

  5. Computer Engg. Group

  6. Textile Manufactures Group

  7. Printing Technology Group

  8. Chemical Engg. Group

  9. Instrumentation

  10. Agriculture Engg.

H.S.C. (PCM + Biology)
Biology will be additional subject

  1. Medical Laboratory Technology Group

  2. Food Technology

BHSC Science or Technical subjects (Bifocal)

  1. Electrical Maintenance (A-1)

  2. Mechanical Maintenance (A-2)

  3. Scooter and Motor Cycle Servicing (A-3) with PCM

  4. General Civil Engg. (A-4)

  5. Chemical Plant Operation (C-3)

  6. Electronics (C-2)

  7. Computer Science (D-9)

  1. Civil Engg. Group

  2. Mechanical Engg. Group

  3. Computer Engg. Group

  4. Electrical Engg. Group

  5. Electronics Engg. Group

  6. Instrumentation Engg. Group

  7. Chemical Engg. Group

  8. Textile Engg. Group

  9. Medical Laboratory Technology

  10. Food Technology Group

  11. Printing Technology

  12. Agricultural Engg.

General Civil Engg. (A-4)

  1. Architecture Assistantship (AA)

CCraftsman Training Scheme (CTS) Course (ITI)

  1. Machinist Grinder

  2. D'man Mech.

  3. Fitter

  4. Turner

  5. Machinist

  6. Tool and Die Maker (J&F)

  7. Tool and Die Maker (M&D)

  8. Mech. Machine Tool Maint / Mechanic Millwright Maint

  9. Mechanic Ref. and Air conditioning

  10. Operator Adv. Machine Tool

  11. Marine Fitter

  12. Lift Mechanic

  13. Mechanic Mechatronics

  14. Mechanic Motor Vehicle

  1. Mechanical Engineering (Regular and Sandwich Pattern)

  2. Production Engineering and Technology

  3. Fabrication Technology

  4. Automobile Engineering

  1. Mech. Computer Hardware

  2. Info. Tech. and Electronic System Maintenance

  1. Computer Engineering

  2. Computer Technology

  3. Information Technology

  1. Electronic Mech.

  2. Mechanic Consumer Electronics

  3. Mechanic cum Operator Electronics Communication System

  4. Mechanic Radio and TV

  5. Info. Tech. and Electronics System Maintenance

  6. Mechanic Industrial Electronics

  7. Instrument Mechanic

  8. Instrument Mechanic (Chemical Plant)

  1. Electronic
  2. Electronic and Telecommunication Engg.
  3. Electronic and Video Engineering
  4. Electronic Engineering
  5. Industrial Electronics
  6. Electronics Engineering (Industry Integrated)
  7. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  8. Digital Electronics
  9. Instrumentation
  10. Electronics and Communication Engineering (Industry Integrated)
  11. Instrumentation and Control
  12. Instrumentation

  1. Mech. Medical Electronics

  1. Medical Electronics

DC.O.E. Course / Basic Sector (Duration 1 year)

  1. Information Technology

  2. Electronics

  1. Computer Engineering

  2. Computer Technology

  3. Information Technology

  1. Fabrication (F & W)

  2. Production and Manufacturing

  3. Automobile

  4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

  5. Chemical

  6. Plastic Processing

  7. Industrial Automation

  1. Fabrication Technology and Erection Engineering

  2. Mechanical Engineering

  3. Production Technology / Engineering

  4. Automobile Engineering

  1. Electronics

  2. Electrical

  3. Information Technology

  4. Industrial Automation

  1. Electronics and Tele Comm. Engineering

  2. Electronics Engineering

  3. Electronics

  4. Industrial Electronics

  5. Electronics and Comm. Engineering

  6. Electronics and Comm. Engg. (Industry Integrated)

  7. Electronics and Engineering (Industry Integrated)

  8. Digital Electronics

  9. Industrial Electronics (Sand witch pattern)

  10. Electronics and Video Engg.

  11. Medical Electronics

  1. Electrical

  2. Industrial Automation

  3. Electronics

  1. Electrical Engineering

  2. Electrical Power System

EMCVC Course

  1. Mechanical Technology (K4/K5/K6)

  2. Auto Engineering Technician (K1/K2/K3)

  1. Mechanical Engineering (Regular and Sandwich

  2. Production Engineering and Technology

  3. Fabrication Technology

  4. Automobile Engineering

  1. Computer Techniques (X1/X2/X3)

  2. Multimedia Internet Technology

  1. Computer Engineering

  2. Computer Technology

  3. Information Technology

  1. Electronics Technology (J1/J2/J3)

  1. Electronic, Electronic and Telecommunication Engg., Electronic and Video Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Electronics, Electronics Engineering (Industry Integrated), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Digital Electronics, Instrumentation, Electronics and Communication Engineering (Industry Integrated)

  2. Instrumentation and Control, Instrumentation Medical Electronics

Note for all Groups:- The Student admitted to direct 2nd year will have to appear in the examination of backlog subjects of 1st year. Such Backlog Subjects of first year will be notified by MSBTE, Mumbai.

Note:- Candidates with HSC vocational (MCVC) or 10+2 ITI / ITI COE should have passed SSC (10th Std.) or equivalent examination with subjects English, Mathematics (Code 71) and Science (Code 72) Eligibility of the student for the specific branches of Diploma programme shall be as per MSBTE guidelines prescribed in rule. For more information regarding the rules log on to www.dte.org.in

Mobile No.9324972109 / 9404581411 / 9819967966
Landline No.02192-250066 / 02192-252005