February 8, 2025

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is a field that involves complex electronic apparatus, circuits and equipments that help in executing speedy and efficient telecommunication systems. Electronics and Telecommunication engineers design, fabricate, maintain, supervise and manufacture electronic equipments used in entertainment industry, computer industry, communication and defense. The ever increasing pace of development in electronics, audio and video communications systems and the automation in industry have made an electronic engineer a catalyst for the change of the modern society.

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering - Program Details
Affiliated toMaharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE)
Duration3 years, Full Time
Academic Year2 semesters each
Sanctioned Intake0
Exam StructureTheory, Practical, Oral, Term Work
Theory ExamConducted by Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE)

Electronics gadgets and communication systems of the present age have tremendously improved the quality of life today. With the tempo of events throughout the world, it has become essential to have more efficient communication network with the latest electronic devices and circuits. Besides giving a thorough grounding in basic sciences and engineering subjects, the curriculum in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering lays greater emphasis on deep understanding of the fundamental principles and thorough knowledge about electronic devices and circuits, computer architecture and microprocessors, VLSI and embedded systems, electromagnetic field theory, analog and digital communication, digital signal processing, microwave and broadband communications.