March 26, 2025

The Mahatma Education Society (MES) embarked upon its mission of “Education for all” with Chembur English high School in year 1970, school into a multi-institution, multi-location group delivering quality education at all levels.

The MES group after establishing its name in the field of education with experience of around 30 years, ventured into field of engineering education with establishment of PIIT in 1999 in Panvel. Subsequently, after successfully running PIIT for more than a decade, MES set up Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology (PHCET) at Rasayani, Post Graduate (Master in Engineering) programs. This is power-packed year for MES as, MES has entered into its 50th year.

Euforia was initiated as inter-collegiate carnival by the students of Pillai HOCL Educational Campus “It’s All About Celebration, Happiness and Knowledge”.

Euforia Converges on bringing the students together and showcase enthusiasm and integrity and also helping students to embrace creativity, talent and excellence and also provides a stage for students to endorse their passion out in front.

The event left an impact on everyone’s hearts and uplifted the ambiance of the campus to a new level altogether. The seed was sown by Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai, Chairman and CEO of MES, Euforia has grown into a huge sensation since the day of its commencement receiving overwhelming response and popularity. Euforia has been getting bigger, better and greater every year and setting high standards for the years to come.

About the theme
The name of the theme Tropical Carnival itself is a symbol of joy, festival. The theme has a power packed action and drama.

Flash mob
The warm atmosphere of Pillai HOCL educational campus, Rasayni was tangible long before the event actually began. The campus beamed with whole new level of excitement and vibrancy as it witnessed the ‘Flash Mob’ by the students on 18th January, 2020. The flash mob was at the centre lawn, the event was at.

The theme of event is publicly and officially launched on that day. Students had occupied whole lawn to witness the spectacular flash mob. As the theme chosen was Tropical Carnival all performance and songs were in Carnival style. The flash mob was choreographed by komal Patil and fellow students. The flash mob was bewildering, it brought so much vim and vigour in crowd, dictating arrival of Euforia with a big bang.

The event was inaugurated at the centre lawn of the college premises on 20th January, 2020. The event was inaugurated by eminent marathi actor Ankush choudhary. The spectacular performance of ‘Dhol Tasha Patahk’ by professional group Martand pathak. The energetic beats of pathak reverberated across the campus, creating a vibrant and zestful atmosphere. The pathak looked classic in traditional Maharashtrian attire. They proved that no matter music preference changes from generation to generation but jive created by traditional instruments is next to no one.

Events Venue and schedule:

Day 1 - 20th Janauray, 2020
InaugurationCentre Lawn10:00 a.m.
Dhol TashaCenter stage10:45am-11:30am
Solo DanceCentre Lawn12:00pm-2:30pm
Duet DanceCentre Lawn12:00pm-2:30pm
RangoliPHASC(Ground Floor Corridor)12:30pm-1:30pm
Chess (on board)Gymkhana12:30pm-2:30pm
Badmintion(G)Diploma Lawn12:30pm-2:30pm
BasketballBasketball court12:30pm-3:30pm
Neon CricketB-605 Engg Bldg12:30pm-3:30pm
Ludo KingArch Studio(2nd Floor)1:00pm-4:00pm
MehendiArch Studio(2nd Floor)1:30pm-2:30pm
Taste Your ToungeArch Corridor(4th floor)1:30pm-2:30pm
Mr and Miss EuforiaCenter stage2:30pm-4:30pm
Badmintion(B)Arch Corridor(4th floor)2:30pm-4:30pm
Day 2 - 21st January, 2020
Solo singingCenter stage10:00am-12:00pm
Duet singingCenter stage10:00am-12:00pm
Table TennisGymkhana10:00am-12:00pm
Ring FootballDiploma Lawn10:30am-3:30pm
KabaddiMain Ground10:30am-2:30pm
Test your tongueBetween Engg bldg and school passage11:00am-1:00pm
Office TennisBack Lawn11:00am-1:00pm
Cooking without FireArch Passage(4th Floor)12:00pm-1:00pm
Neon CricketB-605 Engg Bldg12:30pm-3:30pm
Group DanceCenter stage12:30pm-2:00pm
Guide The BlindBack Lawn1:00pm-3:00pm
CuppachinoBack Lawn1:30pm-2:30pm
Tug Of WarBack Lawn2:00pm-4:00pm
Tik-TokEuforia Room2:00pm-4:30pm
Euforia ClassicCenter stage2:00pm-4:00pm
Day 3 - 22nd January, 2020
Fashion ShowCenter stage10:00am-12:00pm
Ring FootballDiploma Lawn10:30am-3:30pm
Bench pressJr. College Passage10:30am-12:30pm
Rowdy RoadiesMain Ground11:00am-3:00pm
Treasure HuntCampus11:00am-4:00pm
Day 4 - 23rd January, 2020
Academic Merit Certificate DistributionConclave 110:00am-1:00pm
DJCentre Stage5:00pm-9:00pm

Non-Stage Events
After inauguration of Euforia on 20th January, 2020 various non stage events were arranged. There were in total 25 non stage events divided in three days. Various events were lined up viz: – Rangoli, sketching, photography, chess, Basketball, Neon Cricket, Badminton, Mehendi, CS-GO, Ring Football, Office tennis, Table Tennis, Test your tongue, carrom, Cooking without fire, Guide the blind, Tug of War,Bench Press, Rowdy Roadies, Treasure Hunt.

Mehendi, Rangoli and Sketching were the events lined up for creative Euforians to showcase their talent. The Participant’s came up with stunning ideas to etch out breath-taking designs on the Tropical Carnival theme. There was a nail–biting competition between the participants. The designs were so stunning that the judges and spectators were dismayed.

Neon Cricket, as the name suggest this game is played in the dark room where the stumps, bat, ball and pitch are neon painted. The event provides a new and innovative way to play cricket.

Chess, the way euforians played chess reflected the player’s personality. It defined the intellect and smartness of the players.

Basketball The strength of the team is each individual member. Every individual in team proved strength of each member is the team.

Ever imagined Cooking Without Fire! that’s how our participants cooked mouth-watering dishes. The event was enjoyed and loved by all.

Guide The Blind event showcased the team coordination and trust among the participants as one of the participants from the team was blindfolded and she have to crush the cups which are scatter, around with help of team mates who are providing him the directions.

Table Tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table using small rackets. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net.

Rowdy Roadies included a number of tasks which tested the physical as well as strategic endurance of the team players participating in it.

Treasure Hunt, it was a fun filled game where participants had to gather all the clues and reach their goal first. The organizers had to gather all the clues in various parts of the campus premises. It created a lot of exhilaration as the students ran around campus for search of clues.

Bench Press event provided a platform to power lifters to show their weight lifting prowess. The player who lifted maximum amount of weight on the bench press were selected as the winners.

Fun games like Office Tennis & Cuppachino made the environment filled with joy and fulfilment. These games were played between two teams competing each other to win.

Kabaddi was one of the most exciting sport played in Euforia this year. Various teams from different colleges participated where the game was played on Kabaddi mats.

Ring Football was a two-day event played in artificial lawn with participants from different colleges. All the players showed their great passion for the game and teamwork.

Indoor games like Carrom & Tennis were played with large participation this year in Euforia. Carrom was played in two teams. This showed how precisely a teamwork between players can get the strike to the goal.

Tug of War, a game played to test the strength and strategy of a team. Students in a group of five played this game with brave heart and strong grip.

Euforia, this year also had e-sport event, CS-GO which is an computer game based on shooting opponent team under LAN connection. Crowd showed huge attention towards this game and was a successful event by the end of the day.

Tik – Tok is being trendy these days. So, we thought to keep Tik Tok as an event in Euforia this year. Participants posted a video clip of them on their social media using hashtag, euforia 2020 and our judges selected the best candidate with video related to social cause and our theme.

Stage Events
The center lawns become witness to the zestful events. The stage events include singing, Dancing , Mr and Miss Euforia, Euforia Classic.

Dance is one of the most ancient forms of expressing emotions which have evolved through ages and still preserving its essence as an act of entertainment. The event was arranged into solo, duet and group performances. The participants showed tremendous energy and passion in their performances. They did not fail to leave the crowd dancing on their feet. Be it in any style of dance, classical or western the participants nailed their performances.

It’s strange how a union of the seven Singing notes does surprises when artistically. The singing emotions hidden within the students took the stage to leave the ambiance of the campus into musical bliss. The numerous performances did not fail to show the uniqueness of diverse singing forms.

Mr & Mrs Euforia was the event of the confidence and the oratory skills wherein speaking in front of amazing crowd and expressing themselves to the fullest. Participants with the high confidence and exceptional attitude won the heart of the mob.

Euforia Classic became the most loved event of this year. All those passionate students who spend their time exercising to get in ideal body shape, got a platform to showcase their flawlessly sculpted physique. The participants took the stage to showcase their gains and muscles. The one with most well–defined structure became the undoubted winner.

The Fashion Show is an event put on by fashion designers to showcase their upcoming line of clothing and accessories. Some designers have also attempted to modernize the style and presentation of fashion shows by integrating technological advances in experimental ways. The fashion quotient was fulfilled by the fashion show where the participants took the stage to express them on the ramp.

Judges & Guests
Euforia 2020 was dignified by the presence of truly amazing personalities as judges for the stage and non-stage events. Each of them were pin point accurate about their judgements regarding their respective events.

Event NameDateTimeFaculty Judge
Mr & Ms Euforia20th January, 20202:30-4:30pm-Aditya ShindeSwati Mhaskar-
Event NameDateTimeGuest
Inauguration20th January, 202010:00-10:45 amAnkush Choudhary
Dhol Tasha20th January, 202010:45-11:30 am
Solo and Duet Dance20th January, 202012:00-2:30 pmAbhijeet Kelkar
Mr & Mrs Euforia20th January, 20202:30-4:30 pmShivThakare & Veenie Jagtap
Solo & Duet Singing21st January, 202010:00-12:00 pmRae Valentine
Group Dance21st January, 202012:00-2:00 pmNeeraj Yadav
Euforia Classic21st January, 20202:00-4:00 pmSunit Jadhav
Manoj Patil
Nilesh Gade
Fashion Show22nd January, 202010:00-12:00 pmSameekshaTakke
Ruchira Jadhav
EventDateTimeFaculty Judge
Rangoli20th January, 202012:30 - 01:30Pradnya RanePooja H.
Mehendi20th January, 202001:30 - 02:30Ankita Mahadik
Sketching20th January, 202012:30 - 01:30Pulkit G.
Photography20th January, 202010:30 - 03:30Prathamesh G.Sarath
Cooking without fire21st January, 202012:00 - 01:00Nirali Verma
Tik - Tok21st January, 202012:00 - 01:00Shweta R.
Kabaddi22nd January, 202011:00 - 04:30(Referee)


Name of The EventPlacingName of The WinnerBranch
Stage Winner List
Solo Dance1stSwapnil Pillai
2ndSaloni Mokashi
Duet Dance1stYadavi ShahPanvel Pillai
2ndRiddhi & siddhi
Group Dance1stFootloose Dance Crew
2ndAlite Group
Fashion Show1stUconicPanvel Pillai
2ndTeam panache
Solo Singing1stAditya zalte
2ndDivya Bhadalkar
Duet Singing1stAshwini Joshi & Pradnya Dhake
2ndSankirti & Saloni
Mr. & Mrs. Euforia1stViraj KariPHCET
2ndNidhi SinghPHCASC
Euforia Classic
Rangoli1stAastha DevrukharPCA
2ndKirti BhoirPHCET
Mehendi1stMadhu TiwariPHCASC (B.Com.)
2ndTasneem DalviPHCET (IT)
Sketching1stAtharva PatilPHP
2ndApul MohanPHCET
Photography1stRavi ShankarPHCASC
2ndTejas FofekarPHCASC (BAF)
Ludo King1stAniket SinghPHCASC
Chess1stPrathmesh SalkarPEN POLYTECHNIC
Badminton (Girls)1stSaraswati PatkarPHCET (COMPS)
2ndSubhtara SahooPHCET (COMPS)
Badminton (Boys)1st
Basketball1stAbhishek Pardesi
Rushikesh Khot
Ajit Pitkar
Sagar Shende
2ndRajiv Singh
Rahul Shrivastav
Ahad Logade
Sairaj Chavan
Neon Cricket1stMorya and GroupPHCET (CIVIL)
Guide the blind1stPiyush PatelPHCOA
Shubham DesaiPHCOA
Vivek PawarPHCET
Nishant SutkarPHCOA
Cooking without fire1stMinal MaliPHCOA
Tik-Tok1stFarukh NaikPHCASC
CS-GO1stSasmit Mohokar
Shalak Katkar
Sairaj Mane
Aryan Bijoy
Sadab Khan
Carrom1stShreedhar Ghodke
Nachiket Dhuri
2ndAbhishek Devkar
Tanmay Mane
Table Tennis1stVishak NairPHP
2ndSairaj ChavanPHP (MECH)
Kabaddi1stAniket and TeamPCE
2ndSahil Patil and TeamVISWANIKEETAN
Tug of War1stAaditi MishraPHCASC(BAF)
Nachiket JaitpalPHCASC
Rohanpreet JaitpalPHCASC
Achal NandiPHCASC (IT)
Abhishek SinghPHCASC
Test your Brain1stNamrata ChavanPHCET (COMPS)
Harshada DesaiPHCET (COMPS)
Brahmi DalviPHCET (EXTC)
2ndNaha YadavPHCET(COMPS)
Rutuja PatilPHCET(CIVIL)
Diksha PatilPHCET (COMPS)
Ring Football1stShubham Srivastav and teamPHCET
2ndRohit Lakkumane and teamPHCET
Bench Press1stUtkarsh Giri (Under 55kg)KMC
Pritam Mandal (Under 65 kg)TASGAONKAR
Shubham (Open)PHCET
Rowdy Roadies1stHarshada Mehattar
Ganesh Kotimbe
Gaurav Thakare
Treasure Hunt1stSanyukta Pawar
Shivani Poojari
Sagar Pawaskar
Akash Roy

On fourth day of Euforia 2020,the stage was set for the Memorable DJ Night. The crowd was pompous as the DJ Line up was Opened by Headbang specialist Mkshft then Trap Queen Teri Miko maintained that hype in the middle and in the end Mr. Headliner Lost Stories finishes off 5th edition Of Euforia in his LO/ST style.

Euforia 2019 was organized at Pillai HOCL Educational Campus, Rasayani on 28th to 31st January, 2019.

Euforia 2017 was organized at Pillai HOCL Educational Campus, Rasayani on 30th January to 1st February, 2017.

Euforia 2016 was organized by Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology – Diploma Section, Rasayani on 11th to 13th February, 2016.

Euforia 2015 was organized by Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology – Diploma Section, Rasayani on 17th January, 2015.